Belgium Flag vs German Flag: 5 Similarities & Differences

Belgium and Germany are two of the most well-known countries in Europe. They are both pretty popular destinations for travel too.

But when it comes to flags, the two are often confused.

The Belgium Flag vs German Flag are very similar, so it’s clear to see why the two are mixed up from time to time.

Luckily for you, I am a full-time traveller and I have visited both Belgium and Germany, and I’m here to tell you about some of the similarities and differences between the two nations’ flags.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into it!

Belgium Flag vs German Flag

It’s likely that you have seen either the Belgium or Germany flag in your lifetime, or maybe even both. But you might have confused the two.

The flags of Belgium and Germany are commonly confused during sporting events, international conferences, etc.

Flags are one of the key ways to identify a country, and they represent everything a country stands for. It’s important to know the differences and to be able to differentiate between the Belgium vs German flags.

To begin our deep dive into the two flags of the two countries, let’s take a look at each nation’s flag individually, starting with Belgium.

Belgium Flag

The Belgium flag is a tricolour flag, made up of three vertical stripes. The colours (from left to right) are black, yellow and red.

Belgium’s flag has been in place since 1831 when it gained independence from the Netherlands. Side note: This is why there are multiple languages in Belgium and the languages in Brussels are so confusing.

The colours are inspired by the coat of arms of the Duchy of Brabant, which was also mostly made up of black, yellow and red. And the colours are a key part of Belgian culture and life, making up the kits for sports teams, the branding for beer brands, etc.

Belgians really love their flag and feel a great sense of pride seeing it fly. It’s flown on public buildings and private homes just as much.

Overall, it’s a really nice flag and I can see it’s so adored.

A picture of the flag of Belgium.

Germany Flag

The German flag, which is known as the Bundesflagge in German, is also a tricolour flag. It has horizontal stripes made of up (from top to bottom) black, red and gold.

It’s been the flag of Germany since 1949 when the Federal Republic of Germany was established post-WW2.

But the flag was actually in use before then as part of the Weimar Republic and as part of a student movement in the 19th century. Germany’s flag has changed quite a few times!

Like the Belgian flag, it’s also a great source of pride amongst the population. It’s a key part of German culture and also makes up the kits for sports teams and famous car brands like BMW.

The flag also has a nickname– “schwarz-rot-gold” which is “black-red-gold” in English. It’s pretty self-explanatory where the nickname comes from…the colours of the flag.

And that leads onto the similarities between the Belgium vs German flag.

A picture of the flag of Germany.

Similarities between Belgium Flag vs German Flag

There are some pretty obvious similarities between the two flags, and that’s why they often get confused. But let’s lay them out on a plate so we can properly analyse the two flags side by side.

1. The Colours are the same

The first thing that jumps out about the flags of Belgium and Germany is the colours. Both Belgium’s and Germany’s flags use black, yellow and red. Although technically the German flag is “gold” rather than yellow, it’s more or less the same.

Having the same combination of colours leads to great confusion between the two flags, especially as they are both striped. It’s not often that you get two flags of such similar design, especially as the countries are so close together. Belgium is one of the countries that borders Germany.

The shades of the colours are also pretty similar. Officially, the black and the red are slightly darker in the German flag but it’s not really noticeable to the human eye.

A picture of the flag of Belgium waving in the wind. The first similarity between the Belgium flag vs German flag is the colours.
A picture of the flag of Germany waving in the wind. The first similarity between the Belgium flag vs German flag is the colours.

2. Both have equal-sized stripes

If you have an eye for detail you may have picked up on the fact that both flags have three equal-sized stripes. Each flag has 3 stripes that are identical in size.

The Belgian flag has 3 stripes taking up 1/3 of the flag each from left to right and the German flag has 3 stripes taking up 1/3 of the flag each from top to bottom. This leads nicely to the first difference between the Belgium Flag vs German Flag.

Differences between Belgium Flag vs German Flag

Though the flags do have similarities, there are more differences. This makes sense otherwise the flags would be identical.

3. The direction of the stripes

The first and most obvious difference between the two flags is the direction of the stripes.

The Belgian flag has 3 vertical stripes, whereas the German flag has 3 horizontal stripes.

Belgium’s thin and tall stripes compared to Germany’s short but wide stripes are the first major difference between the two flags.

If there is one easy way to identify whether it is the Belgian or German flag, this is it.

Do the stripes go up and down? It’s Belgium.

Do the stripes go across the way? It’s Germany.

That’s the easiest way to tell the difference between the two.

A picture of a Belgian flag on top of a building.
A picture of a German flag on top of a building.

4. The order and meaning of the colours

Any eagle-eyed readers will have noticed the order of the colours on the two flags is different.

On the Belgium flag, it’s black then yellow then red.

On the Germany flag, it’s black then red then yellow.

It’s a small difference but switching the yellow and red is another key way to identify whether you’re looking at the flag of Belgium or Germany.

And then what each colour represents has a different meaning. Here is a table showing the meaning of each colour on the flags.

Belgium FlagGermany Flag
BlackThe soil of Belgium and the determination of the people.Determination
YellowThe wealth of Belgium and the generosity of the people.Generosity and constancy
RedRepresents the blood spilled by Belgians to gain independence.Hardiness and bravery

While there are some similarities, the flags’ colours have two different meanings. Most meanings are related to the people of the country. Germany’s people are called Germans and people from Belgium are called Belgians.

5. The proportions of the flags

A final difference between the two, and one that isn’t as obvious is the dimensions of the flag.

The proportion of the Belgian flag is 13:15. Whereas the German flag has a proportion of 3:5.

If ratios or maths aren’t your strong point, it means that the Belgian flag isn’t as wide as the German one. You can notice it if you really look closely at the two flags side by side.

As I said, it’s a small difference but it’s a difference nonetheless.

Belgium Flag vs German Flag: FAQ

Below are some questions relating to the Belgium Flag vs German Flag comparison, along with their respective answers.

Why is the Belgium flag so similar to Germany?

There isn’t really a definite answer. Both flags come from medieval Coat of Arms and just happen to have the same colour. However, there are theories that it’s because of the Roman Empire which used black and gold. Another theory suggests they simply reversed the French tricolour.

What has Belgium’s flag looked like throughout history?

Belgium’s current flag has been in place since 1831. Before this, it was the flag of the Netherlands. Before this, it was a red white and yellow flag with a crest on it. Before this, it was a white flag with a red X. The flag has changed many times.

Is Belgium and Germany the same country?

No, Belgium and Germany are completely different countries. Many people mistakenly think they are the same country as the two flags are similar, but they are two independent states. Belgium and Germany each other and have strong relations, but they remain two separate countries.

Final Thoughts: Belgium Flag vs German Flag

And there you have it, a complete overview of the Belgium Flag vs German Flag.

Although there are similarities in colour, that’s about it.

The key differences are the order of the colours and the direction of the stripes.

Despite looking similar, the two flags are different and it’s important to recognise which flag is which.

Hopefully, this article has taught you how to identify the Belgium Flag vs German flag.